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Elite 1 Leagues COVID-19 Rules

We understand that it may not to be possible to return to regular competition guidelines right away, but we wanted to let you know we’re committed to taking every precaution to keep everyone healthy. Here’s the precautions we are taking and how you can help keep the gym safe for everyone:

1) No Spectators at any time (Unless you’re the team playing next)

2) Wait outside until it’s time for your class. We want to limit the amount of people in the facility at one time.

3) PLEASE do not come to the gym if you are sick or don't fell well.

4) Temperature Checks as well as Sanitized Hands upon arrival to the building.

5) No Shared Locker Rooms (20 Min Limit).

6) Hand Sanitizer and Wipes at both benches (Benches to be wiped down after every game).

7) Non- Player/Coaches personal must wear masks while on the bench (Masks must be worn throughout the facility).

8) When possible we will space out the player and coaches on the bench.

9) No hand shakes after the game to minimize contact.

10) The game ball will be cleaned and changed after each game.

11) Contact will be limited between teams before and after the game (While in the building practice social distancing; keep six feet away from each other).